Our Christmas 2024 Church Newsletter is now available! Download here.
Church Calendar
Sunday Worship: 9.45am at the Village Kirk, Livingston Village
Sunday Worship (including JAM): 11.15am at St. Andrew's, Deans, and also on Facebook Live & Youtube
Soup Lunch (last Sunday of the month): 12.30pm, St. Andrew's, Deans
Craft Group: 10am at the Village Kirk, Livingston Village
Pre-loved Clothes Shop: 10am - 1pm at St. Andrew's, Deans
Cafe/Soup: 10am - 1.30pm at St. Andrew's, Deans (soup served 11.30am - 1pm)
Andy's Art Club: 6.30 pm at St. Andrew's, Deans
Coffee at the Kirk: 10.30 am at the Village Kirk, Livingston Village
Craft Group: 2pm at St. Andrew's, Deans
Friday Club and Cooking Session 2pm at St. Andrew's, Deans