After something of a hiatus, we have a new prayer group! If you would like to request prayer for yourself or your community you can do this by contacting Lesley B, Nelu or Jeanette, adding your prayer to the prayer tree in either church or by sending an email to livingstonoldprayer@gmail.com
Church Calendar
Sunday Worship: 9.45am at the Village Kirk, Livingston Village
Sunday Worship (including JAM): 11.15am at St. Andrew's, Deans, and also on Facebook Live & Youtube
Soup Lunch (last Sunday of the month): 12.30pm, St. Andrew's, Deans
Craft Group: 10am at the Village Kirk, Livingston Village
Pre-loved Clothes Shop: 10am - 1pm at St. Andrew's, Deans
Cafe/Soup: 10am - 1.30pm at St. Andrew's, Deans (soup served 11.30am - 1pm)
Andy's Art Club: 6.30 pm at St. Andrew's, Deans
Coffee at the Kirk: 10.30 am at the Village Kirk, Livingston Village
Craft Group: 2pm at St. Andrew's, Deans
Friday Club and Cooking Session 2pm at St. Andrew's, Deans